Laser Tattoo Removal FAQs
Better U Medical Spa now offers the world’s most advanced and effective tattoo removal laser, the Lutronic Spectra™. This state-of-the-art tattoo removal technology removes a wide range of both dark and colored ink, using a special flat beam laser that removes ink faster and with less pain.
Tattoos have long been part of the New Jersey lifestyle – on The Shore, in Hoboken, Hackensack, and beyond. But the ink we want when we’re young may not fit our lifestyle, as our circumstances change. In fact, more than 50% of people with tattoos change their mind about them at some point.
For decades tattoo removal was a tedious and painful process that took months of excruciating laser treatments – and often left unsightly shadows of residual pigment. But, thanks to advancements in laser technologies, Lutronic Spectra™ laser tattoo removal delivers clear skin – rapidly, without pain and with no downtime! In this article we answer our Englewood, Hoboken and Hackensack patients’ frequently asked questions about laser tattoo removal.
How does Spectra™ laser tattoo removal work?
Spectra™ laser tattoo removal works by focusing specific laser frequencies on the pigment in your ink. The color in the tattoo absorbs the thermal energy, which disintegrates the pigmented cells while leaving the surrounding skin unharmed. Over the next days and weeks the immune system will completely flush away the broken-down ink, through the body’s natural elimination processes.
Does Spectra™ laser tattoo removal hurt?
Spectra™ laser tattoo removal is the least painful ink removal system on the market. In fact, it is actually less painful than getting a tattoo in the first place! Our Hoboken and Hackensack patients typically describe the feeling as that of a rubber band snapping against the skin.
Spectra™ laser tattoo removal hurts less than other systems because the laser needs only a fraction of a second to break down the pigment. The laser targeted laser beams safely penetrate through the epidermis down to the dermis where the ink resides, and “zaps” only the pigmented cells while not injuring the surrounding tissue.
How many Spectra™ laser tattoo removal sessions will I need?
The number of Spectra™ laser tattoo removal treatments you will need depends on the age, color(s), and quality of the ink, as well as the technique used to create the tattoo (e.g. professional vs. homemade tattoos).
Dramatic reduction in the tattoo will be visible after a single treatment. An average tattoo only takes 2 to 3 Spectra™ laser tattoo removal treatments to almost completely remove the appearance of ink. However, thick concentrations of pigment particles cannot be completely broken down in a single session, so deeper and darker tattoos may require up to 6 removal sessions.
Why is the Spectra™ laser better than other tattoo removal systems?
Unlike older ink removal lasers, the Spectra™ laser tattoo removal system uses 4 different wavelengths that are able to effectively target and eliminate all colors of ink. Older laser treatments only used one or two 2 wavelengths, resulting in a much less effective treatment.
Ink responds best when treated with a laser beam frequency that is at the opposite end of the color spectrum. (For example, green ink responds best to laser beams on the ruby colored spectrum.) The Spectra laser’s 4 frequencies are: 532nm for orange and red ink; 585nm for blue and purple ink; 650nm for green and yellow ink; and, 1064 for black and grey ink.
Additionally, Spectra™ laser tattoo removal’s flat beam profile operates at an incredibly fast pulse (6 billionths of a second) which means quicker removals with less pain.
Best Laser Tattoo Removal – Hackensack & Hoboken, NJ
The Spectra™ laser is often called the “Hollywood Laser” because it is especially popular among celebrities and rock stars who rely on this technology to get rid of tattoos and achieve smooth, clear, healthy, glowing skin.
If you live in the greater NYC, Hackensack or Hoboken, NJ area and you have unwanted ink, don’t settle for old, outdated, ineffective and painful tattoo removal technology! Schedule an appointment at our Englewood, NJ Med Spa for fast, effect, painless state-of-the-art Spectra™ laser tattoo removal – and replace your unwanted ink with smooth, clear skin with Spectra “Hollywood” tattoo removal!