Non-Surgical Labiaplasty Alternatives for a Sexier You!
As a woman ages her skin becomes looser, less “plump,” and less elastic. Wrinkles develop and skin can sag and become flabby. And while wrinkles and sagging are typically associated with the face, the skin on a woman’s labia also ages – often causing it to wrinkle, sag, or protrude.
A large, wrinkled, or loose labium can be embarrassing and undermine a woman’s self-confidence during intimacy. But distended labia is more than just a cosmetic problem. A large or protruding labia minor can also cause pain during sex, and discomfort in tight clothing, when exercising, or engaging in other physical activity.
Until recently, women who desired to change the appearance of their labia had no choice but to undergo expensive and painful labiaplasty surgery. But at Better U Medical Spa in Englewood and Jersey City, NJ we offer the latest and most advanced non-surgical alternatives to labiaplasty surgery!
These advanced, incision-free, non-surgical labiaplasty procedures can shrink, tighten, smooth and improve the appearance of your labia – all without the pain, incisions and downtime of invasive labiaplasty surgery.
What is Non-Surgical Labiaplasty?
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, there were more than 12,000 surgical labiaplasties performed in 2016 alone. But, in 2018 labiaplasty surgery numbers went down to 10,246 – a 15% decline and the lowest level in years!
This is because several new, innovative non-surgical labiaplasty alternatives have now become available. These new treatments harness the power of lasers, radiofrequency, and the body’s own natural healing mechanisms to rejuvenate the labia skin and tissue. We are proud to offer four of the best non-surgical labiaplasty alternatives at Better U Medical Spa in Englewood and Jersey City, NJ.
MorpheusV Radiofrequency Nonsurgical Labiaplasty
At better U Medical Spa in Englewood, NJ we offer the Morpheus8 Nonsurgical Labiaplasty. This treatment uses an advanced technology called “Subdermal Adipose Remodeling Device” (SARD) that delivers radiofrequency energy to achieve skin resurfacing on a deep cellular level.
After local anesthetic is applied, Morpheus8V uses ultrafine “microneedles” to penetrate layers of skin, tissue, and fat of the labia on a deep level and deliver radiofrequency energy. Both the “needle pricks” and the RF energy stimulate the body’s own natural production of collagen and elastin – the protein building blocks of healthy, elastic skin.
As the body repairs itself on a cellular level, MorpheusV non-surgical labiaplasty is able to provide patients with the smoother, smaller, more youthful contours of traditional labiaplasty – but in a minimally invasive manner.
When performed on the face, Morpheus8 Radiofrequency Microneedling is often referred to as a “non-surgical facelift.” Similarly, MorpheusV radiofrequency is like a “facelift” for your labia! Thanks to the treatment’s incredible ability to tone, tighten, and rejuvenate the skin of the labia, MorpheusV is an excellent non-surgical alternative to traditional labiaplasty surgery.
And non-invasive MorpheusV non-surgical labiaplasty is incision-free, so it has none of the risks or downtime of traditional labiaplasty surgery.
AccuTite Laser Nonsurgical Labiaplasty
At Better U Medical Spa in Englewood, NJ, we also offer a minimally invasive, nonsurgical labiaplasty alternative called AccuTite. This procedure uses the latest advancements in laser technology to provide contouring, contracting and skin tightening to small areas of the body – making it perfect for use as a nonsurgical labiaplasty treatment.
AccuTite nonsurgical labiaplasty technology remodels the skin and tissue of the treatment area in “three dimensions”. AccuTite laser offers skin tightening and tissue contraction, combined with surface repair and renewal, PLUS unparalleled fat remodeling. AccuTite provides smoothness, tightness, and youthfulness that rival the results of traditional labiaplasty.
And, thanks to built-in safeguards that measure and control the temperature of the skin and tissue, all of our Englewood, NJ patients are provided with a safe and comfortable experience during treatment.
The small size of the AccuTite handpiece allows for the procedure to be performed using the same precision used in traditional labiaplasty surgery. But AccuTite patients avoid the pain, expense, anesthetic, incisions, downtime, and potential complications of traditional labiaplasty surgery.
O Shot (PRP) Nonsurgical Labiaplasty
While the O-Shot is best known for its ability to increase a woman’s sex drive, this state-of-the-art treatment is also a safe, 100% natural labia rejuvenation procedure. With the O-Shot, Englewood, NJ women can experience improved tone, tightness and smoothness of the labia, for a younger looking genital area – without the pain or downtime of labiaplasty surgery.
As an added advantage, the O-Shot also provides many additional benefits including relief from painful sex, increased vaginal lubrication and improvement in sexual sensitivity. In fact, the “O Shot” derives its name from “Orgasm Shot”. Additionally, the O-Shot can help reduce bladder leaks.
Using the body’s own natural ability to heal, the O-Shot stimulates cellular rejuvenation in the vagina and labia. In addition to being a non-invasive labiaplasty alternative, the O-Shot is also completely natural. With the treatment being derived directly from the patient’s own body, O-Shot patients experience no side effects and no downtime.
Dermal Fillers for Labia Rejuvenation
Hyaluronic Acid is a natural sugar molecule which has been used in facial fillers for decades. It behaves like a sponge and improves water retention – restoring youthful “plumpness” and smoothness to the skin and tissues. This makes hyaluronic acid-based fillers ideal for ‘plumping up,’ tightening and rejuvenating a woman’s intimate areas, including the labia.
While labia filler injections do not reduce the size of a protruding labia, like the energy-based treatments we have discussed, they can be used to restore moisture, thickness, smoothness, and elasticity to thinning labial tissue.
NonSurgical Labiaplasty | Englewood & Jersey City, NJ
At Better U Medical Spa in Englewood and Jersey City, NJ our patients are able to obtain labia rejuvenation with non-invasive technologies – and none of the many downsides that come along with having surgery.
If you are dissatisfied with the size or appearance of your labia, schedule a confidential appointment at our Englewood or Jersey City, NJ office with cosmetic gynecology expert Dr. Hetal Gor and see which labia reduction treatment is right for you!