Body Sculpting Treatments for Men:
Lose Fat, Build & Define Muscle, Improve Proportions
Men’s bodies are obviously very different than women’s – and male body sculpting goals are also very distinct from those of females. So, it stands to reason that the specific techniques and technologies used for men’s body contouring should be different, too.
Unfortunately, many med spas in Englewood, NJ and across the country take a one-size-fits all approach to fat loss. At Better U Medical Spa we offer the latest skills and systems developed specifically for men to help them get the fat loss, masculine muscle definition, and manly proportions they desire.
In this article we discuss several treatments offered at our Englewood Med Spa that can be used individually or combined to give men the toned, defined, fat-free body they desire.
Why Men Get Body Sculpting
Most men who are investigating fat loss or body sculpting treatments are motivated by one of three reasons: women, work or working-out.
Wanting to look good for our spouse, our significant other, or simply to meet new partners, is an intrinsic part of a man’s DNA. But, with the inevitable testosterone declines of getting older, men’s bodies start to store fat while also losing the ability to build muscle….and they wake up in horror one morning realizing that they have a Dad Bod!
In a job-market that is becoming increasingly youth-oriented, many men turn to body sculpting to look younger and more capable when competing for positions or clients. Baggy Don Draper suits area a thing of the distant past, and men’s physiques are now on display more than ever … in Zoom meetings, on the golf course, during team building exercises, and even during those “casual Fridays”.
Finally, some men who spend hours at the gym already look good – but they want to look GREAT… Chris Hemsworth and Chris Pratt GREAT… or even “Jersey Shore” GREAT. For these men, our precision fat removal, targeted electrical-pulse muscle building machine, and chest and ab “etching” technologies can take body definition and proportions to the next level.
Men’s Body Sculpting: BodyTite Lipo for Fat Loss
As men age, it’s harder to get rid of excess fat no matter how much they exercise or how well they eat. And, busy schedules make finding time to work out difficult – compounded by the fact that COVID 19 has made going to the gym problematic for many men.
BodyTite Lipo permanently removes excess fat from even the most stubborn areas. And, its advanced radiofrequency-assisted technology makes it better suited for a man’s body than traditional tumescent liposuction.
During regular “old fashioned” lipo used by most doctors, the fat is pulled away from the body “manually” by “brute force”. The doctor pushes and shoves the cannula under the skin to dislodge it before sucking it out. Not only is it painful, it is very imprecise. And because males have tough, fibrous tissue on their chest and back (unlike women) it can be hard to get through.
BodyTite Lipo melts the fat before removal with radiofrequency energy – for eases of removal, less pain and greater precision when sculpting and “etching” muscle definition. It is extremely effective on a man’s belly and love handles, as well as for removing excess fat or “man boobs” from the chest. And because of its precision it can also be used to remove unwanted neck and chin fat – to define a squarer and more masculine jawline.
In the hands of a skilled physician like Dr. Gor, BodyTite is also popular for pectoral and abdominal etching for men who want their chest and “six pack” muscles to have more definition.
Men’s Body Sculpting: AccuTite for Skin Tightening
The benefits of fat removal can often be hard to see, if loose, excess, saggy skin is left in its place. But, as men get older, their body produces less collagen and elastin, so their skin simply doesn’t “snap back” the way it once did.
AccuTite treatments deliver precision radiofrequency (RF) heat energy to precise areas of the body (and face), for immediate skin contraction – without surgery. And, the RF thermal energy continues to work for up to a year – by stimulating renewed production of collagen and elastin so that the treated skin becomes younger, smoother and tighter. This further reveals the muscle definition beneath!
This technology enables Dr. Gor to define and sculpt a man’s body with unparalleled detail. And AccuTite can also be performed on the neck, chin and face – to tighten a “turkey neck”, decrease a double chin, and even lift drooping eyelids!
Men’s Body Sculpting: AccuFit for Muscle Building
The third treatment that completes our Trifecta of men’s body sculpting treatments is revolutionary new AccuFit muscle building.
AccuFit muscle building treatment emits electrical pulses that stimulate thousands of muscle contractions in a single 30-minute procedure – without exercise. These muscle contractions are quite literally the equivalent of months of working out – dramatically improving muscle strength, tone and definition in as little as 2 weeks.
When used on the abdomen, AccuFit can give you the “six pack” definition in your abs that you’ve always wanted. AccuFit can also be used to firm, lift and tone the pecs and glutes without painful, expensive and dangerous surgery.
As an added benefit, AccuFit offers direct muscle targeting that is more precise than exercise. This “muscle selectivity” results in unparalleled precision, sculpting the exact muscle proportions you desire.
Men’s Body Sculpting Treatments | Englewood, NJ
If you are interested in the fastest and most advanced method of losing fat, building muscle, and sculpting and defining the body you’ve always wanted, schedule a men’s body sculpting consultation at our Englewood, NJ Med Spa, today.
We offer the perfect “hat trick” of body sculpting technologies – fat loss, muscle building & skin tightening – designed specifically for a man’s body. Get a younger, stronger, thinner, more defined and muscular physique, at Better U Medical Spa in Englewood, NJ.